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UX Design Team

​It is Our Job to Help You


Why choose membership

Career Readiness through access and affordability is important. You may join in our local courses on our campus or through the use of our remote courses across the nation. We are always striving to make a difference and invite you to learn more in a supportive non-judgement environment.

What We Do

  • ​Provide low cost/debt free ECE Certificate credential (eg. CDA) for qualifying learners.

  • ECE Apprenticeship, Certification and Credential courses all include One on One support for all students including individuals earning GED and/or with learning disabilities. We build confidence and bridge academic gaps of higher education readiness. 

  • Entrepreneur (Business Owner) support for learners in communities with very few and/or no childcare facilities 

  • Gather information and data to research barriers impacting childcare industry workforce barriers and present to CCRR and attempt to build collaborative community childcare partnerships.

Our obligation

 As a US Department of labor registered apprenticeship program (RAP), we offer the opportunity for apprentice to be safeguarded in information. We partner with CTE and local social services. 100% of our completed students earn CDA Credentials during probation, 88% of our students move on to earn their higher education degrees or approach base certificates and 100% report career promotions and wage increases.

At the Early Education Career Institute we are achieving more with our initiatives for you as early care apprentice and as  practitioners than ever before. We work on many exciting projects helping to improve your day to day career experience. We value the impact you have in the economical flow of our nation, as you provide childcare while fostering the development and well-being of children. We acknowledge the important role you play as essential service providers to communities across the nation.


As an institute we are very proud of the progress we continue to make in impacting practitioners lives through our career services, community partnerships and resources.  NAECEA exemplifies our dedication to the mission of Early Education Career Institute to further the workforce needs of early care by creating both affordable and accessible solutions.


The ECE Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) is compiled of Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs with a willingness to support the ECE Community. These state Workforce Development Boards have committed to serving the ECE community and have committed to the utilization of individual training accounts for incumbent workers and those seeking to re-skill to become hire wage earners in ECE.


Applied/Approved States:

  • Georgia

  • Illinois

  • Indiana

  • Louisiana

  • Michigan

  • Montana

  • Missouri

  • Nebraska 

  • South Carolina

  • Idaho 

  • Colorado - Applied


States that have rejected the application for ETPL:

  • Mississippi

Any questions or thoughts?

We are always happy to help out!

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